Are you a blogger with a great home project?
Then Remodelaholic would love to feature you! We have a wonderful large group of readers and social media followers, so being a guest on Remodelaholic is a great way to promote your blog, show off your mad skills and hard work, and find new readers. Join our link party here, and you can also submit a post below.
Asking a home decor question? Please message us on Facebook (click here to open a message directly) and we’ll post your question to our fans.
Inspired by something on Remodelaholic? Submit a brag post here.
Interested in Instagram? Use the tag #imaremodelaholic on your very best “after” photo — more details here.
We love guests who can share home design tutorials. We also accept guest posts with clear and complete details and/or tutorials on topics such as home improvement and remodeling, how-to projects, home organizing, before-and-afters (with tips and instructions, even better!), and holiday or other decorating projects. Are you a renter with great ideas for making a rental feel like home? We’d love to see what you’ve done, too!
There are two ways to be featured:
- Rewrite and submit a previously-published post to be featured (in full) by Remodelaholic. We may edit slightly, but your full post will be used. The submitted post must be written uniquely for Remodelaholic and not duplicated anywhere else.
- Write a guest post, specifically for Remodelaholic, that will not be submitted for publication anywhere else.
We receive many submissions, and, unfortunately, we cannot feature all submissions. So make your submission stand out and WOW us! Consider these questions as you write your post for Remodelaholic:
- Is this a fresh, new project or has everyone been doing it for months?
- Does the project have to do with remodeling and home design? Remember, we prefer a complete tutorial.
- Is the project complete?
- Are the pictures clear?
- Are the images staged well… or does that bed still need to be made?
- Is my post well-written, organized, and easy to understand?
If your submission is accepted to be featured on Remodelaholic, we will respond to your email with the scheduled date and time of your feature, as well as any other necessary details. Depending on our schedule, we may be able to feature your project very soon or it may be 6-10 weeks before your feature can be scheduled.
By submitting a feature to Remodelaholic, you are granting Remodelaholic full permission to feature your entire post, using the images and text you provide to us, on Remodelaholic and any sister sites, at our discretion now and in the future. This includes but is not limited to editing, changing, and sharing via social media. Featured images will be hosted on Remodelaholic’s server while copyright is retained by you, the original owner. Remodelaholic will not remove a post once it has been published and will never remove the link to your blog. I will not feature businesses or commercial posts featuring business links. If you write for clients, please do not submit posts.
If you have a post that Remodelaholic would love, email your submission to or fill out the form below.
Your email must include:
- In the subject line: Feature my (enter what the project is). This will help me know what project you’d like me to feature.
- Your first name (or the name you would like to be called).
- Your blog address.
- Your blog’s facebook page address, if available (so I can tag you). If you use other social media, please also include those so that I can tag you there as well.
- The HTML of your re-written post
- An attached file containing all of the images included in your re-written post
and your submitted post must include:
- one amazing image of the final product/project — the very best one to show off right at the beginning of the post.
- a short introduction to you and your blog. 1-2 paragraphs long. This can include up to 3 links to your blog’s favorite projects.
- a tutorial or walk-through process of the project — tell us what you did, what choices you made, etc. Write what feels good to you, and show us the process with as many photos as you can. It must be a full tutorial. Please include anything you’d like to enlighten us about the process.
- several final images, and a before image, if applicable. Please include a variety of angles and both portrait and landscape orientation, if possible. Images may contain a small, unobtrusive watermark if you would like.
- time and cost breakdown (this can be simple or more detailed — it’s up to you!)
- product sources, as available (Please note that we do not allow others’ affiliate links on our site due to the terms of our affiliate agreements. We may add our own relevant affiliate links, if we see fit.)
Thank you for your support of Remodelaholic, and we look forward to seeing your submission!
Submission To Be Featured on Remodelaholic